HTML Forms Data Loader Popups






We’re evaluating HTML dataloader to create suppliers and banks in an R12 Financials implementation. How can we navigate through a pop-up such as the one in the attached wordpad file?

Example shows navigating to a field where only ‘Pound sterling’ and ‘more’ are the only available options – but we want to enter ‘Euro’. This is a valid value, but R12 insists that we go via a popup selection – awful I know but that’s how it is – and the capture doesn’t seem to navigate through it. Any ideas how we can navigate through a popup like this?

This is also a test of your ability to support the product, so your reply is eagerly awaited.




 This is a known limitation in HTML Forms Data Loader 2.0 and we are trying our best to overcome this limitation. We will let you know as soon as we find a solution to this issue.

We regret the inconvenience.


Note: from HTML Forms Data Loader Ver. 3.0 onwards POPUPs are supported



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